Summer Car Maintenance Tips From a Dodge Dealership in El Paso, TX

by | Jun 17, 2022 | Auto

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It’s that time of year again when we’d rather stay indoors with the AC on full blast than go outside and be at the mercy of the sun. But it’s not just us who need summer-proofing—our vehicles do, too. They may seem fine but the blistering heat is taking a huge toll on them. Performing maintenance on your car now before the temperature shoots up can give your vehicle a fighting chance. A Dodge dealership in El Paso, TX has a few tips that might help.

Refill the tanks

Your car has various fluids running through its system, apart from fuel and engine oil, such as transmission fluid, brake fluid, engine coolant, and hydraulic clutch fluid. There’s even one churned out onto your windshield for cleaning. All of these fluids can dry up more quickly during summer. Before the heat waves start, make sure to top off all of them, especially the engine coolant since it plays a critical role in keeping the engine from overheating.

Perform a thorough brake check

Drive your car on a smooth road and observe how the steering wheel reacts as you step on the brakes. If you feel a slight vibration, it means the brake pad is heavily worn out. The same goes if you hear the sound of metal scraping around the rotor. You can confirm it through a visual inspection. You might also find some other issues that need immediate fixing. If the brakes are indeed worn out or damaged, be sure to install a new one before going on a long trip.

Rotate, change, and pump

Check each tire for wear and tear. If the grooves are already shallow, it’s probably time to get new tires. Don’t risk your tires bursting for the few dollars you can save from maximizing your tires’ capacity. If they burst while you’re swerving or skidding, you’ll find yourself in a fatal accident. Your safety should always be your primary concern. Consider investing in summer or all-season tires, which are thicker and have deeper grooves.

Buy new filters

Your car has several types of filters in it. One is inside the cabin, preventing dust and keeping pollen from entering your AC. Another is in the fuel line, trapping contaminants from the fuel, while the rest is in the engine, keeping the oil and coolant pure. When was the last time you changed or even checked these filters? If you haven’t replaced any of them in months, they are most likely choking with dirt. Engine filters are particularly important because once dust buildup is too thick for air to pass through, it might contribute to overheating.

Clean up

Nothing feels more uncomfortable than a dirty and damp car. You sit in the back and you feel this thin dust cloud forming around your body and sticking on your sweaty skin. If the filth in your vehicle has reached this point, it’s about time you give it a deep clean. Wash and vacuum every nook and cranny until they’re free of dust and grease. Throw out all the clutter you can find and wash the floor mats outside.

Maintaining your vehicle now can increase its chance to survive the sweltering climate at your doorstep. If you are planning to go on a road trip, your car must be in perfect working condition. And if you think you can’t handle the maintenance by yourself, take your vehicle to trusted Dodge dealers in Alamogordo, NM that offer professional servicing. Check out Viva CDJRF for more helpful tips.

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